Hello everyone!
Welcome to my Blog!
With this Blog I will keep you updated with what's happening during my trip to South America.
I will be leaving on 30th September 2006 and the plan is to return sometime in April 2007.
My rough itinerary will be:
Ecuador: Quito, Otavalo/Ibarra, Galapagos
Peru: Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Tititcaca lake
Bolivia: Titicaca Lake, Uyuni Salt Plains
Chile: Santiago de Chile, Lake District
Argentina: Torres del Paine, Lake District, Ushuaia/Tierra del Fuego, Puerto Madryn, Buenos Aires
Brazil: Iguazu falls, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahia, Amazon rainforest, etc...?
Happy reading! Please feel free to make comments and also to keep me up-to date with the gossip over here! Will try to upload photos wherever possible.
See you in about 6 months!
Luv from
P.S. You can also write to my hotmail address: anidda75@hotmail.com in case you don't want everyone to know what your comments are! ;-)
You have got to be blogging jokin!!! If you think that I have time to blog at you all the blogging time you are just so blogging wrong. I actually have a blog to do you know!!
You have got to be blogging jokin!!! If you think that I have time to blog at you all the blogging time you are just so blogging wrong. I actually have a blog to do you know!!
Why the use of amanita? and it gives me a chnace to test drive yer blog! Rock And roll!
hey Anita, Good Luck and keep us up to date with your whereabouts ok, .
ich freu mich fuer dich ... though I'm bloody envious too! How dare you bugger off with that smug grin on your face, leaving us behind to endure yet another English winter marked by indecisive weather!
Have a great time, I'll definitely be checking up on you regularly. Please sing a German wanderlied in the culturally deprived jungles of South America.
Hi Anita,
jetzt bist du also schon am anderen Ende der Welt... Hoffentlich bist du gut angekommen. Falls du schon Heimweh hast (bestimmt, wa?) lass dir sagen: hier (in good old Germany) ist's grau und herbstlich - du verpasst wider Erwarten erstmal nichts. Du hast absolut die richtige Entscheidung getroffen und ich komme um vor Neid. Also, pass gut auf dich auf & have fun-fun-fun!
Hi Anidda,
hoffe, der Flug war o.k. und erwarte sehnsüchtig ersten Bericht! Wie ich Dich kenne, hast Du doch bestimmt schon jede Menge Fotos geschossen? -> bitte zeigen!!
Liebe Grüße
Hi Anita!! Hope you're being safe out there.. it's a massive road trip that we're watching and a long and winding road.. Watch out for the Llama's! I'm watching to see if John shaves the beard when he hits Brazil. After all, everyone shaves there don't they! hahag
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